Human Design provides a deep insight into your child's unique energy and potential. By using their birth details – including time, date, and place – you can unveil their individual Human Design Chart. Understand their true nature, unfiltered by societal expectations, and nurture their innate talents and qualities.

Get your child's blueprint for free. Provide their details below and click "VIEW MY CHART and then DOWNLOAD NOW" to delve deeper


Do I really need my exact birth time? Can I just use a general timeframe?

For an accurate chart, you need as accurate and down-to-the-minute a birth time as possible. Big parts of your chart can change in a minute, depending on your chart itself, so unfortunately simply knowing the day or general time of that day could give you a very different chart than you actually have.

What do I do if I don’t know what time I was born?

If you know your birthday, you can start to figure out which parts of your chart are accurate by putting in 12:00am as the birth time, and then 11:59pm as the birth time, and comparing the two. See which aspects have remained the same and you will know that those parts are in your true design.

If you have a general idea of the time, I would still recommend doing the above, but you can do it in smaller segments closer to that time as well.

Why do you need my birth location?

Human Design uses your birth time according to UTC (Coordinated Standard Time) to calculate your chart – your location tells us which timezone you were born in, so the chart generator can calculate the right time based on that.

What if I don’t see the city/town I was born in?

That’s okay! Just pick the next closest place that’s in the same time zone.